Kathryn Morgan: Femininity Icon
I’m beyond excited to feature Kathryn Morgan, the ballet legend and my personal femininity icon. Kathryn was a soloist at New York City Ballet until she had to end her career at the age of twenty-three due to an autoimmune illness.
Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she launched her Youtube channel shortly afterward and ended up creating an incredible community that grows larger every day.
I discovered her in late 2015 when I started fully embracing my femininity and re-exploring my love of ballet. Her Youtube videos inspired me so much, not only about ballet but the way she relished being feminine was truly inspiring!
Kathryn’s recent campaign for jeweler Capo and Co.
There was one video in particular where she showed viewers her makeup organization. I loved that she had a vanity table and elegant antique silver crystal bottles for her perfume (Shalimar).
Up to that point, I had shied away from having my own vanity table because I thought it was, well, vain (pardon the pun)!
Kathryn enjoyed romantic nightgowns and robes à la Christine Daaé. She also organized her jewelry in beautiful cases and wore it regularly. It’s hard to explain, but her content was empowering to me because it conveyed the message that there was nothing shameful in being girly and romantic.
Kathryn Morgan during her time as a soloist at New York City Ballet.
Those videos of hers had a tremendous impact on me and I became a loyal follower of her channel -still am!
In fact, her vlogs were something that always cheered me up. I loved seeing her parent’s home and how cozy it seemed with her two Papillon pups (Carson & Duchess).
After getting married and becoming the lady of the house, I remembered those vlogs and thought how much I had been inspired by Kathryn’s mom Sheila. I decided to reach out to her and ask to interview her here.
I could go on and on about what a special lady Kathryn Morgan is but I think you want to hear from her now, so here she is!
Kathryn, what is your idea of perfect happiness?
Perfect happiness to me is an inward feeling. You can be happy no matter where you are or what you are doing. Total satisfaction and peace- there’s nothing like it. I’m happiest when I’m sharing life with my fiancé Chris (Christopher Sellars) or onstage dancing.
Kathryn Morgan and fiancé Christopher Sellars.
Which living person do you most admire?
I admire a lot of people, but as cliché as it is, I adore Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. She not only has class and style, but her grace under pressure is incredible.
What is your most treasured possession?
My engagement ring. Easy :)
What is your favorite book?
Favorite book currently is the Madame Chic series by Jennifer L. Scott.
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Historical figure- that’s hard! Probably anyone who’s had to overcome curve balls and rethink their path. So any famous athlete or inventor. But of course, in terms of looks, Vivian Leigh.
What is your motto?
My current motto is to have an abundant mindset. Decide that you are going to be successful. Decide that you are going to be happy IN SPITE of your circumstances, not because of them.
I hope you enjoyed our chat with Kathryn Morgan. If you are also on the path to reconnecting with your femininity then you’ll definitely want to join my brand new Feminine Every Day 5 Day Challenge! I’ll see you there.